Exercises for varicose veins: what you can and can not do

Varicose veins are a common pathology in men and women over the age of 30 and can occur at an earlier age. If preventive measures are observed and exercises are performed for varicose veins of the lower extremities, it is possible to stop the development of pathology, to heal the weakened vessels and capillaries.

exercises for varicose veins

The benefits of training therapy

A set of exercises for varicose veins helps to improve blood flow, increases the patient's physical endurance, strengthening the structure of damaged blood vessels and muscles.

If you do not neglect physiotherapy (TP), you can significantly alleviate the course of the disease, relieve swelling and eliminate fatigue in the legs.

Recommended exercises

Exercises to prevent varicose veins and treat the disease are performed in order to dilute the fluid inside the vessels, eliminate the swelling of the veins under the skin and restore the natural shade of the skin.


  • Strengthening the muscles of the legs with the participation of the hip area;
  • Loads on the diaphragm to regulate blood flow and saturate the blood with nutrients;
  • Hiking, stationary cycling, with intensive pedals;
  • Swimming in the pool.

Phlebologists advise regular exercise twice a day for ten minutes. It is recommended that the classes be divided into several blocks - 5-7 minutes in the morning and the same amount before bedtime, giving preference to less intense loads on the body.

Doctors' recommendations

Exercises for varicose veins in the legs are performed both with the help of a physiotherapist and independently. It is important to monitor the load during exercise, flexibility of movements to avoid sudden swings, body bends.

Overload can only harm the patient, complicating the course of the disease. The room should be spacious, ventilated, it is best to do exercises for varicose veins of the legs after waking up. It is important not to forget about compression stockings and comfortable shoes.

Wellness complex

Gymnastics for legs with varicose veins of the lower extremities consists of exercises:

  • To reduce leg fatigue in the evening - lie down, raise your legs to elevation, hold for about 5 minutes;
  • Connect your legs, stretch your arms, gently rise to your toes, stand for 2-3 seconds, go down;
  • Lie on the floor, lift your legs, rotate your legs, in and out.

Systematic charging will prevent the progression of the disease, reduce the risk of passing from one stage of varicose veins to another and eliminate complications.

wellness gymnastics for varicose veins of the legs

Gymnastics in the office

Exercises against varicose veins during work, sitting on a chair:

  • Raise your legs in an upright position, make circular motions with each limb;
  • Raise your feet by placing the soles of your toes, 15 passes for each foot;
  • Stretch your toes up, fix your heels to the floor still;
  • Perform legs from heel to toe.

For sedentary work, it is recommended to take a 5-minute break every hour. At this time it is useful to perform movements in an upright position:

  • Legs together, intensely rising on toes, lower legs;
  • Walking on heels, back straight;
  • Place your hands on an imaginary or real wall shoulder-width apart, bend your legs and transfer the weight on it, and throw the other back and rise on your toes, after 10 seconds change your legs;
  • Tear your heels off the floor in succession, doing the exercise regularly, several times in one approach, at least 20 times a day.

Therapeutic exercises for varicose veins in the legs provide time for rest, so after 5-10 minutes of loading the limbs, you should lie down in a relaxed state to regulate blood circulation and restore breathing.

Attention! Exercise should not cause discomfort in the affected veins, burning, tingling, swelling or other complications of varicose veins. It is important not to forget about medication to get rid of the disease effectively.

varicose veins cause pain in the legs

Jumping on Mikulin

In the fight against varicose veins, the vibration gymnastics of Academician Mikulin has proven itself well. A special exercise for legs with varicose veins includes only special jumps, the regular performance of which will help to eliminate the symptoms of varicose veins.

  1. Once you wake up, you should stand up straight, stretch your arms over your body as you inhale, and rise to your toes by an inch. As you exhale, lower your legs sharply to the floor.
  2. When hitting with the heels, the body will receive a slight shaking, the pushing will direct the blood through the vessels upwards, as a result of which the vessels will be cleared from the inside.
  3. Mikulin special jumps should be done at least 60 times a day; you can't turn the exercise into an intense jump. The movements must be smooth, precise, every 20 presses - a break of 10 s.

Such exercises are useful in combination with exercises for varicose veins of the pelvis, which often develop during secondary and subsequent pregnancy, with a heavy load on the pelvis.

A set of exercises for the pelvic organs

Physiotherapy exercises help to strengthen the walls of venous vessels, improve blood flow. It is useful to do the following exercises:

  • Bicycle - lying down imitation of cycling with legs;
  • Scissors - successive crossing of the legs;
  • Half squat - not below the level of the knee;
  • Buttock compression is a Kegel exercise shown to expectant mothers for a painless birth.

After exercises with varicose veins, self-massage of the legs and thighs is useful for stabilizing blood flow, removing harmful elements at the cellular level and relieving fatigue.

It is useful to make light blows from the ankles to the knees, rubbing the calves with circular motions. You can use a nourishing or moisturizing cream that is natural or anti-varicose, purchased at the pharmacy.

At the end of the set of exercises it is recommended to do a swallow - straighten your back, stand up straight, arms relaxed and lowered on the body. Inhale hands up, exhale take a sip.

exercises for varicose veins

During training therapy, you should drink a small amount of fluid, just moisten your lips with water so as not to cause puffiness. Protein nutrition is useful, especially in the morning, before bedtime - cereals, fruit smoothies.

Bubnovski for varicose veins

The technique does not provide medical treatment. The doctor assures that with regular performance of simple exercises you can improve the mobility of the joints, improve the elasticity of muscle tissue.

Gymnastics is performed in any position:

  1. Sitting in a chair - tensely lift both feet on your toes, stretch your limbs forward and perform circular movements of the feet, popular rollers from toes to heels and vice versa.
  2. Lie on the bed - lie on your stomach, bend your knees, hit the buttocks with your heels, then lift your legs consistently, holding until a slight feeling of fatigue.
  3. Lie on the floor - bicycle, scissors, alternating lifting the legs up and shaking the legs sharply.
  4. Standing - get up on your toes and abruptly go down on your heels, spread your arms to the side. Do light squats.

Dr. Bubnovski advises to divide the set of exercises into three parts - morning, noon and evening, do it regularly, as a supplement you can use elements of yoga. The position of the lotus improves blood circulation and helps get rid of orange peel.

It is best to replace running with vigorous walking, swimming in the pool. Exercises for varicose veins of the lower extremities by the method of Bubnovski are available to every patient, regardless of the stage of varicose veins and the age of the person.

Preventive exercises

For varicose veins, leisurely walking, cycling for about 10-20 minutes a day, contrast shower, pool exercises are useful, which help to eliminate puffiness and alleviate the general condition of the patient.

It is recommended to get rid of the habit of vomiting legs in a sitting position, disrupting blood circulation. It is also worthwhile to limit the walking of high heels by reducing the load on weak blood vessels and capillaries.

In the evening it is recommended to make a bath for tired legs, with the addition of a decoction of herbs from medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus), essential oils of citrus fruits, juniper. When resting, you should position yourself so that your heels are above the level of your buttocks.

measures to prevent varicose veins

In addition to exercise and drug therapy, it is important to follow a diet, to eat slowly, partially, without overeating, especially at bedtime. It is important to avoid serious jumps in body weight.

An important role in preventing varicose veins play everyday shoes, they must be sized, high quality and comfortable. In the initial stage of varicose veins you should pay attention to compression stockings, choose their size on the advice of a phlebologist.


What leg exercises for varicose veins at home can not be performed:

  • Jumping rope (intense strain on the veins, one exercise can provoke the destruction of a blood clot);
  • Exercises with load (dumbbells, barbells, etc. );
  • Prolonged exercise on a stationary motor (congestion of the veins, impaired blood flow);
  • Energy emissions (vascular tone);
  • Gymnastic stretching (swelling of the veins, damage to weakened capillaries).
  • Intense running, for speed, long distances (leg strain)

In patients with varicose veins, power loads are excluded. A great alternative is pool or step aerobics. Fitness will be available after complete elimination of the disease, on the recommendation of a phlebologist.

Gymnastics for varicose veins of the lower extremities - how to improve the condition of the veins by performing simple exercises

bicycle ergometer for varicose veins

Varicose veins are a fairly common pathology that significantly impairs the quality of human life. It is very difficult to fully recover from this disease, but to facilitate its course, it is worth doing special exercises.

Varicose veins are called stable dilation and elongation of the veins, accompanied by thinning of their walls and the formation of the so-called. Nodes. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the serious pathology of the walls of the veins and the insufficiency of their valves.

This disease is quite common and is much more common in women. Often varicose veins begin at working age - about thirty to forty years.

The main risk factor for the development of this disease is an inactive lifestyle.

The benefits of therapeutic exercises for varicose veins can hardly be overestimated. Special gymnastics allows you to:

  • improving venous and lymphatic outflow;
  • increase physical endurance;
  • normalization of arterial flow;
  • increase the tone of the veins;
  • improving peripheral circulation.

If you neglect the therapeutic exercises for varicose veins of the legs, this will lead to blood stasis in the affected vessels, in addition, the pressure will increase.

In turn, this will lead to accumulation of water in the ankles, feet, lower legs, which often exacerbates the pain.

Characteristics of physical activity

Exercises for varicose veins of the legs are especially useful for people who move a little in everyday life.

Walking is the simplest exercise and people with this condition should walk every day. It is also quite possible to ride a bike. Swimming is also very useful.

fitness for varicose veins

Not everyone knows that not every physical activity is good for varicose veins. Which sport is good for varicose veins and which is bad? Surgery to remove varicose veins is often the only solution. We will tell you what type of surgery to choose in a particular case.

There is also a special therapeutic gymnastics for varicose veins of the legs. To perform these exercises as effectively as possible, the following rules must be followed:

  • people who have a sedentary job should do a five-minute warm-up at least once an hour;
  • it is important to monitor your posture, it is not recommended to cross your legs;
  • charging should be given 15-30 minutes a day;
  • you need to do several repetitions throughout the day.

Exercise set

Phlebologists recommend performing special exercises against varicose veins in the morning and evening, giving them about 15-30 minutes. At the same time, you can not get exhausted, because everyone has their own limit of physical capabilities.

Prolonged exercise for five minutes will suffice and it is recommended to take breaks. If you feel tired, you better postpone the session.

The main set of exercises for all types of diseases

These exercises are suitable for varicose veins of the lower and upper extremities, for varicose veins of the pelvis and other types of diseases:

a set of exercises for varicose veins
  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs, pull it to your chest. Then straighten it, fix it for a few seconds and lower it. Do the same exercise for the other leg.
  2. Lie down, bend your legs and get up. Straighten them, hold them for a second, bend them again and return to their original position.
  3. Lie down, lift your legs up and make rotating movements with your legs, this should be done outwards and inwards. You can then bend and unfold your toes and feet.
  4. Sit in a chair, rest your heels on the floor. Move your toes in different directions. Do 15-20 times.
  5. Lie on your stomach with your hands on your hips. Alternate lifting each leg as high as possible. Hold at the highest point for a few seconds and then return to the spot. Do 8-10 reps.
  6. Exercise "swallow". Stand up straight, put your hands on your body. Inhale, raise your arms up, and then stand on your toes. As you exhale, take the position of a swallow. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
  7. Scroll from heel to toe, transferring body weight to it. Do 15-20 reps.
  8. For 15 minutes, walk on your heels, toes, with a high lift of the hip joint.

Leg exercises

Gymnastics for varicose veins of the lower extremities includes the following exercises:

  1. Relief of the veins of the legs. You should lie down, close your eyes and relax as much as possible, while breathing deeply and evenly. Several pillows should be placed under your feet - this will allow them to rise by 15-20 degrees.
  2. Lie down, bend your legs while placing your feet on the floor. Put your hands on your hips. Inhale gradually, lift your head and body. Your hands should slide to your knees. After a slow exhalation, return to your original position.
  3. Lie down, knead your hands on your body, raise your legs by 15-20 degrees and hold a small pillow between them. Inhale slowly, bend at the lower back and the buttocks should be detached from the floor. Exhale slowly, return to your original position.
  4. Lie down, put your hands on your body. Bend your legs and gradually exhale, pull your stomach. While inhaling, inflate your abdomen.
  5. Put your legs together, put your hands on your body. Take a deep breath, slowly rise to your toes, exhale and return to the starting position.
exercises with a gymnastic ball for varicose veins

Regular performance of special exercises for the lower extremities will reduce the manifestations of venous insufficiency, stop the development of the disease and reduce the risk of dangerous complications.

To reduce the manifestations of varicose veins of the upper extremities, you need to perform simple exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, put a pillow under your neck. Raise your arms and legs perpendicular to your body, pull your legs towards you. Breathe evenly and deeply. Then vibrate with your hands and feet for 3 minutes.
  2. Cross your arms at the nape of your neck. Rotate the body slowly in both directions. Do 20 reps.
  3. Stretch your arms forward, clench your fists. Open your palms while spreading your fingers wide. Do 20 reps.
  4. Squeeze the left wrist with your right palm. Raise your left arm as high as possible and your right arm should resist. Repeat 20 times. Then raise your arms up, fix them in this position for 20 seconds. Repeat the exercise for the other hand.
  5. Raise your hands above your head, clench and unclench your fists. Do 80 reps. Put your hands down and do the same.

A set of exercises for the pelvic organs

If the varicose veins have touched the pelvic organs, it is recommended to perform the following exercises:

  1. Exercise "bicycle". You should lie on your back and imitate cycling with your feet. In this case, the back and lower back should be pressed to the floor.
  2. Exercise "scissors". Lie on your back, stretch your arms over your body. Make cross movements in vertical and horizontal position.
  3. Exercise "birch". Lie on your back, lean on your shoulders, lift your legs high and hold until you feel tired. If you want, you can complicate this exercise a bit by adding bending and stretching to the knees.
  4. Half squats. Stand up straight, spread your legs 30-40 cm wide. Sit slowly, while not falling below the level of your knees. You have to stay in this position for literally a second and then slowly return. Do 10-15 reps.
  5. Sit on the floor, put your hands behind your back and relax them on the floor, stretch your legs. Bend the right leg at the knee, place your foot close to the left knee. Raise and lower your left leg. Do 10-15 reps.
exercises for varicose veins of the pelvic organs

Additional exercises

To make the treatment of varicose veins as effective as possible, additional exercises can be performed throughout the day:

  1. Stand up straight, straighten your legs straight. Get on your toes and slowly lower yourself. Do 20-30 reps. Divide the socks, put the heels together and do 20-30 lifts again. The same procedure should be done with outstretched heels and flattened toes.
  2. You need to walk on the spot without taking your socks off the floor.
  3. Gather your legs, stretch your arms over your body. Taking a slow breath, pull your shoulders back. As you exhale, you should relax and tilt your head forward.
  4. The starting position is the same. Taking a breath, raise your hands up and stand on tiptoe. Then, as you exhale, return to your original position.
  5. Squeezing the buttocks is very effective. This exercise can be performed in any position of the body.

Exercises for the prevention of varicose veins

To prevent the development of varicose veins, it is also necessary to perform special exercises:

  1. Lie down, stretch your arms over your body, place your legs straight on a chair. Bend the left and right legs in sequence. Do 5 reps for each leg.
  2. Lie down, stretch your arms over your body. Lift your legs up and spread in different directions. In this case, you need to pull the socks and turn the ankle joints to the right and left. Do 5-7 repetitions.
  3. In the same position, bend your legs and make rotating movements in the knee joints. Do 5-8 times right and left.
  4. Lean on your shoulders and lift your legs up, as in the birch exercise. Spread your legs apart. Change the position of the legs of the swings. Do 4-7 repetitions.
  5. Jump on your toes 10-15 times, stand on your feet and after a few seconds repeat the jumps.


cycling with varicose veins

But this does not mean that all sports for varicose veins are prohibited. For example, swimming is very useful, all exercises that can be done sitting or lying down are allowed.

It is also quite possible to practice yoga or Pilates.


The benefits of massage for varicose veins is to stimulate blood circulation in the affected areas.

It is recommended that this procedure be performed by an experienced technician.

If you decide to do it yourself, you must remember that the touch should be as light and gentle as possible. Do not touch the veins that protrude more than the others - this can only make the problem worse.

The diet for varicose veins consists of proper nutrition.

The diet should contain foods that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the blood and blood vessels. Remember to eat foods rich in vitamin C.

In addition, seafood should certainly be present in the diet, as it prevents stretching of the walls of blood vessels.

No less useful are the plant fibers, which ensure the normal functioning of the intestines, which is very important for varicose veins.

Vibration exercises

We lower our heels to the floor, move our legs slightly and relax. We start banging our heels on the floor. You have to feel how the whole body vibrates. To do this, you need to relax so much that the vibrations reach the head. Feel your skin vibrate.

Gently shake your legs one by one and lower yourself to the floor. We lie on our backs and stretch our arms with our legs up. We begin to actively fear with our limbs.

  • Exercise "Shake"
  • We try to imagine shaking water from our brushes and feet.
  • We breathe naturally with our stomach.

These exercises help to create additional vibration, which causes the capillaries to contract and push the blood more actively. Also, these actions improve the flow of all fluids in the body. The movements are very simple and effective.

  1. Start with 1 minute and gradually increase the time.
  2. After "shaking", put your legs bent on the floor, place your palms on your stomach and relax.
  3. Breathing exercise

Feel the movement of the abdomen as you breathe. When inhaling, the abdomen swells, with exhalation we lower the walls of the abdomen. After a relaxing breathing exercise, we move to a sitting position.

Relaxing massage

We finish the complex with a light foot massage. We start with the feet, where you have to massage each toe, the arch of the foot, and the heel.

  • Foot massage
  • Then, with light stroking movements, move up the foot.

We try to do this massage for 2 to 5 minutes. We stroke the shin, after the thigh.

  1. Thigh massage
  2. After working on one limb, we proceed to massage the other leg.

By performing such a set of exercises for varicose veins in the legs, you can preserve their youth, health and beauty. The main thing is to do this not from time to time, but regularly. And do not forget about other methods of treating varicose veins at home.

Contraindications to physiotherapy exercises

  • In this disease you should never overload your legs.
  • It is not recommended to engage in professional sports that require static exercises or heavy strength.
  • It is absolutely impossible to lift weights.
  • With varicose veins, only light exercise is allowed, which does not cause unnecessary stress.

Varicose veins are a rather unpleasant disease that is quite common. To reduce its manifestations, it is recommended to perform special exercises.

However, it is very important to exercise moderately and regularly.

Therapeutic exercises for varicose veins - the correct technique of execution, the choice of complex depending on the complexity and neglect of the disease.